Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Great Recession: creating and running quality educational programs on a budget: HME Meeting Monday March 18, 2013

Unfortunately, we had to cancel last Monday's meeting due to the weather.
There's still a couple things I'd like to note for our members.

First, a Smithsonian Study (2004) outlining a national survey on evaluations and museum programs.

From the forward:
At the request of the Smithsonian Institution (SI) National Board’s Education Committee, the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies (SCEMS) asked the Smithsonian’s Office of Policy and Analysis (O P&A) to undertake a study of ev aluation in museum education programs in the United States. The main purpose of th is report is to describe the extent to which systematic and effective program evaluation is currently being used. The results will be reviewed internally to identify be st practices that may be applicab le to education departments at SI.

Second, there's an upcoming OMA Course in Sarnia, which might be of interest:

Education Programs
Location: Judith & Norman ALIX Art Gallery, Sarnia, ON
Registration Opens: March 11. 2013 Registration form here.
"Participants will identify the basic learning principles affecting different groups of museum visitors and will acquire the knowledge required to design and implement education programs for their own museums. Core topics: Interpretation & Education Policy & Standards; programming for the public; the ins & outs of interpretation; learning principles for students K-6; adolescent learners; museums and school curricula; practical program development for museums; teachers & museums; adult education; developing visual literacy skills."

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