Wednesday, 23 January 2013

#socialmedia @hamed update: reaching your audience, membership, volunteers: HME Meeting Monday January 21, 2013

This Monday's evening meeting saw fruitful, lively discussion and delicious food at Thai Smile in Oakville.

Here are some key points:

-some of the larger institutions appear to be honing their social media interactions: see the Louvre and Met in NYC, which have fewer social media sites than only a year or two ago (in the Met's case, the social media links used to be right on the front page: now you have to dig to find them)

-Know Your Bone is a very interesting and useful site: "Successful nonprofit organizations do not choose between social mission and financial sustainability. Know Your Own Bone is a blog about online engagement strategies with a lean toward business-related best practices and achieving long-term organizational relevance."
See these recent posts!

-some institutions appear to be entering the world of Pinterest, including the National Gallery of Canada, Musées Montréal, the McMichael, and the Alhambra.

-the Bell Homestead adds fun and interesting content to their Facebook page, such as old telephone ads and videos (this one is particularly hilarious).

-Museums of Mississauga have podcasts posted to their site covering recent exhibits and artifacts.

-the UK's Geffrye Museum was sited as a great example of how to use social media.

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