Thursday, 4 October 2012

HME November PLC Call for Presentations


The Hamilton Area Museum Educators - Peer Learning Circle (HME/PLC) invite you to present at our upcoming Peer Learning Circle!

Topic:  Inside View/Outside View: A Return to Active Audiences in Museums and Galleries
Date:  Monday, November 12, 2012, 10:00am-3:00pm
123 King Street West

When we talk about making museums or performing arts organizations more participatory and dynamic, those changes are often seen as threatening to the traditional arts experience. Audience commentary, comfortable spaces for eating and talking, opportunities for amateurs to contribute to professional work: these are often considered intrusions into formal, classical settings for enjoyment of arts.

Sparked by this very interesting post on Museum 2.0, the topic for this year’s autumn PLC is active audiences in museums and galleries.

WE WANT TO KNOW what exciting and innovative ways you are changing your museum/gallery audience from passive visitors to active, empowered participators.
Do you:
-run an innovative program?
-participate in an interesting partnership?
-integrate active audiences in any way in your museum/gallery?

We invite you to share your approaches and ideas in a presentation that will engage others in conversation and offer learning in this informal peer learning environment.

We ask that presentations be a maximum of 15-20 minutes in length, followed by 10-15 minutes discussion period.  However, new approaches are welcome and creative presentations may be longer or shorter depending on what you want to share or get out of them.  All ideas related to the topic are welcome. Step up and share!

For more information about the HME Peer Learning Circle, please contact one of HME’s coordinators.

We look forward to hearing from you!
HME Coordinators
Teresa Gregorio
Sarah Hamilton
Nicole Knibb

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