Our topic was Professional associations, conferences, courses, and networking:
What do you belong to? What options are out there?
Folks suggested all sorts of courses, networking options, and conferences. Listed below with links.
Also of note:
- Don't forget about the call for presentations for our Nov 20 Mini Conference on Technology in Museums!
- We're looking for suggestions for cafe night locations. Do you know of a quiet cafe/restaurant with a variety of food+drink options, good parking, open Mondays, and (ideally) located near to a major highway? Please let one of your coordinators know!
- MuseumNext: very welcoming (European conferences are very large, North American one just starting out, not AS large)
- Coalition of Museums for Climate Justice; FB group. Upcoming conference in early 2018
- ICASC Gathering: Art for Social change (offered through Concordia): good price, in Ottawa in November
- Creative Times Summit (with AGO, PowerPlant, hosting) social change education pieces, first time they've held it in Canada
- TIAO (travel industry association of ontario) conference

- AAM: American Alliance of Museums
- OMA: Ontario Museums Associaton
- OAAG: Ontario Association of Art Galleries (used to have courses, not anymore?)
- CAGE: Canadian Art Gallery Educators (yearly conference, usually in April or May)
- INTERPSCAN: Interpretation Canada (online and in person conference, online ones are affordable)
- Parks and Rec Ontario: (has classes and conferences)
- CMA: Canadian Museums Association
- MAGEC-D: Museum and Art Gallery Educators Collective of Durham (an HME-like group for the Durham area)
- GOEMP: Group of Ontario Emerging Museum Professionals
- HNCA: Haldimand Norfolk Cultural Association (cultural professionals, heritage,marts, Haldimand and norfolk museums, professional development, small membership fee
- EON: Elgin Oxford Norfolk Association of Curators, Archivists, and Directors
- PAONE: Professional Arts Organization Network for Education
- MONA: Museums of Niagara Association (does joint events like Friday Night Live)
- UAAC: Universities Art Association of Canada
- ALHFAM: American Association for Living History, Farm, and Agricultural Museums (send out a hardcopy newsletter, most recent one about historic cooking)
- ICOM: International Council of Museums
- BMGA: Brant Museum and Gallery Association (like the HNCA in Brant county)
- Museums Association in the UK
Courses/Online Conferences
- The Art of Education: resource for art teachers, has an online conference
- ACM: Association of Children's Museum (webinar, one hour, Tuesday afternoons, free for members)
- FutureLearn: has some moocs for museums (University of Leicester, "Behind the Scenes of the 21st Century Museum")
- Coursera: wide variety of free courses from institutions like the MoMA, and "Indigenous Canada" through the University of Alberta
- EdX: MOOC with courses like "Teaching Historical Inquiry with Objects" from the Smithsonian
Other Helpful Resources
- TMS listserv was really good
- CHIN's website lets you sign up for listservs including ONMUSE, Fireweed, and CANMUSE
- Interpretation Canada (might have one)
- Linkedin: a number of museum groups, might be useful (Museums and Galleries, American Alliance of Museums, Museums and the Web)
- Museum Questions: Reflections on Museums, Programs, and Visitors (twitter?)
- Colleen Dilenschneider: Know Your Own Bone, data-informed resource for cultural executives. Great Twitter and FB feeds, youtube channel.
- Museum Hack: (did some work with PAMA), good to follow for tips and tricks
- Art Museum Teaching: A forum for reflecting on practice
QUESTION: What value do you get from belonging to a professional association?
QUESTION: Does anyone just become a member because they want to support or find an organization interesting? What about the benefit of thinking you are supporting something?
QUESTION: Are there any non-museum conferences or courses? (Libraries? Tourism?)